The Biggest Marketing Mistake Online Business Owners Make

The Biggest Marketing Mistake Online Business Owners Make

Hands up if you’ve ever made that commitment to show up consistently in your marketing but after a while, you find you’ve fallen off the wagon again. Whoops.

I know, I know…

Part of the problem is there’s SO MUCH you can do to market your business:

Facebook groups












Email Marketing (my fav)


Unless you’ve got an experienced team (and the budget) to delegate to, you don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything on that list.

What can you stop doing poorly to free up time to do other things better?

Consistent focus is important. When you flit from one strategy to another, you can’t analyse what’s really working and make educated decisions on where to spend your time and budget.

How do I know?

I’ve got a business degree specialising in marketing and I worked for 13 years in marketing before I started my own business.

I’m here to share some advice with my Marketing Manager hat on.

You’re wasting time, money and energy spreading yourself thin across multiple marketing channels. 

If you’re attempting to do 4 or more of the above by yourself - no wonder you feel overwhelmed!
Let's get real about the most time-sucking of all the marketing channels - social media.

⚡⚡ NEWSFLASH - The people you want to help (your dream clients) aren’t on social media exclusively.

The biggest mistake I see online business owners making at the moment is putting most of their creative energy, time and budget into social media.

All that effort spent creating content for a platform you don't own and have zero control over.

I get it…

🤷‍♀️ It’s relatively easy to create content for socials

🤷‍♀️ There’s little technical expertise needed to do it

🤷‍♀️ It looks like less work than blogging, SEO, email marketing, PR etc

It’s an easy way to reach new clients, right?

Wrong! It’s a griiiiiiiind.

I’m here to encourage you to streamline for your own sanity.

There’s a much more effective way to market your business. It’s the main way I’ve grown my business from 0 to a 6-figure annual turnover in under 2.5 years.


70% of my business comes from my email list.

Not in the first 3 months - my clients came from referrals. But once I got to 200 subscribers I launched an online course (made £2500) then I got to 450 subscribers, launched again and had my first £10k month. You don’t need a big list to make good money from it. You don’t need a group programme either!

My email list brings in both group programme sales and new 1:1 clients.

An email list can do the same for you. 

One of my clients messaged me on Friday to say she’d sent an email to her list and booked £2k of work from it!

1 email = £2000.

If you’d like my help to start using email marketing to bring in consistent leads and revenue…

Book a 15 minute call with me here so I can find out where you’re at, what your goals are and what’s stopping you from getting there.

I’m not going to sell to you on this call! Its purpose is to connect and make sure I’m the right person to help you. If I’m not right for you right now, I’ll let you know and give some pointers on your next steps.

If we get on and I get the sense I can help you to use email marketing to scale your business and make more money, we’ll book another call where I can share what that looks like.

This call is for you if you’re a service-based business owner ready to put time and effort into building an email list as a long-term business asset and lead generation strategy.

Want to give email marketing a proper shot? Awesome - book that quick call in my diary here. 💌💌💌